Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cerveza Bug TRUTH BOMB Reactions - Breaking the Rules at Walmart

**For proof go to & click on the CNN video
CNN says, “We have MASSIVELY OVERESTIMATED the fatality
of COVID-19”
They also report, “Fewer than 40,000 U.S. Deaths will occur
from COVID-19 this year.” That's LESS than the FLU!
According to the CDC, the regular flu kills almost 60,000 people a year in the U.S. But we
never shut anything down for that! Ask yourself, WHY are we shutting down for COVID-19?
We didn't shut down for Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu, SARS or MERS. Their agenda is to get you
acclimated to the removal of your freedoms... DON'T LET IT HAPPEN. We MUST UNITE.
Historically, tyranny kills FAR more people than diseases and natural disasters combined –
People are forced to close their businesses, they're going broke, they can't make their payments.
The “stimulus” will devalue our dollar and lead us into hyper-inflation and a cashless society.
If we let that happen America is done! Go to to find out how you can
change your community and your country in the name of LIBERTY!

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