Saturday, September 19, 2020

How To Keep Warm

                                                         My first afghan is complete!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

It's Just The Flu!

To all the order following, unthinking people out there, those of you wearing weird masks and

perpetuating insanity in the name of a religion that claims it wants to “keep you safe.” A religion that

killed 262 million people in the 20th century alone – NOT including war. A religion that most people

don’t even think of as a religion. A religion with an existence that is predicated on theft and slavery.

A religion that is antithetical to humanity itself. A religion that is known as statism and is the belief

that external governance by fellow human beings is necessary. This belief creates most of the

suffering endured in the world. Your obedience to ridiculous mandates made by psychopaths

continues the madness created by your archaic superstition and gives it an appearance of normalcy

but it’s not normal. It’s utter lunacy. You’ve allowed yourselves to be whipped into a frenzy by a

media whose sole purpose is to propagandize you but grants itself some legitimacy by mixing a few

facts into its stories. A media which is intentionally causing you to beg to be further enslaved out of

fear and you are already VERY enslaved. The evil that is marching towards you, the evil that you are

pleading for, when it finally arrives on your doorstep the only person you will have to thank for its

presence is yourself. YOU did this because you were too cowardly to disobey tyrants when they first

started placing people under house arrest due to a flu virus. YOU did this because you were too lazy

to think for yourself. YOU did this because instead of behaving like the adult human creatures you

supposedly are - you allowed yourselves to be guided like lab rats through a maze of social

engineering, an experiment specifically designed to see just how dumbed down the publicly schooled

masses have become – all on purpose and by design– and how much oppression YOU the masses will

tolerate. Take a bow lab rats – you have made the elite masterminds very, very happy. No one took

your humanity from you, you gave it up willingly.

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist

Politifact Fact Checker Claims This Disclaimer is FALSE. Guess You Can Sue The Mask Maker, Now.

How Governments Are Hunting the Infected - #NewWorldNextWeek

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Cerveza Bug TRUTH BOMB Reactions - Breaking the Rules at Walmart

**For proof go to & click on the CNN video
CNN says, “We have MASSIVELY OVERESTIMATED the fatality
of COVID-19”
They also report, “Fewer than 40,000 U.S. Deaths will occur
from COVID-19 this year.” That's LESS than the FLU!
According to the CDC, the regular flu kills almost 60,000 people a year in the U.S. But we
never shut anything down for that! Ask yourself, WHY are we shutting down for COVID-19?
We didn't shut down for Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu, SARS or MERS. Their agenda is to get you
acclimated to the removal of your freedoms... DON'T LET IT HAPPEN. We MUST UNITE.
Historically, tyranny kills FAR more people than diseases and natural disasters combined –
People are forced to close their businesses, they're going broke, they can't make their payments.
The “stimulus” will devalue our dollar and lead us into hyper-inflation and a cashless society.
If we let that happen America is done! Go to to find out how you can
change your community and your country in the name of LIBERTY!