1. Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)
A wonderful plant that helps with skin issues. In the summer, I pluck a few branches of these, rinse them, cover in water and boil until the liquid thickens a little. Then, I let it cool and strain it into ice cube trays and make frozen cubes of the medicine for my father to use on his chronic poison ivy sensitivity. This plant is good for many skin conditions and is edible, there is no reason to ignore it any longer.
2. Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)
A lovely, tropical looking plant. I use dried scrapings of the inner bark for a delicious medicinal and anti microbial tea. The bright red fruits have a pungent, lemony flavor and can easily be soaked in water, then strained and squeezed through a cloth to create a refreshing sumac aid. Middle eastern areas use the dried berries ground up as a seasoning!
Homemade Skin Tonic
Go to your backyard, pluck some plantain, dandelion, jewel weed, and calendula. Rinse and clean all wild matter, place in pot, cover with water and boil for approximately 25 minutes. Allow to cool, strain and put scraps on compost pile. This is a wonderful skin tonic and helps heal blisters. It can be frozen and saved either in cubes or simply fill a 2 liter bottle 2/3 of the way full and freeze.
3. Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
The root, rhizome is used in a water solvent. A tea made with this root can ease cramping in muscles, cause perspiration (diaphoretic), ease the pains of childbirth, and is a sedative. Easy to harvest and bountiful.
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