Crochet Basics

These videos are for the beginning crocheter. Tip: pause and rewind as much as necessary, things are tricky at first but you will get it and develop ways that are comfortable for you, just stick with it! Also, there are many videos on YouTube if you're having difficulty understanding or seeing this person's tutorial, simply look for someone else's video which you might follow more easily. We're all different and need a variety of approaches. This section is to help you with the terminology so you know what to search for as well as the stitches themselves.

This short video tutorial shows how to create a slip knot and how to "chain" your yarn, these tend to be the foundations of many crochet patterns.

A quick lesson on how to single crochet, a stitch widely used in the crochet world.

Single crochet in rows, once learning this you could easily create a simple scarf, good luck!

Half double crochet stitch tutorial is next, another commonly used stitch for beginners! (The video says she showed double crochet before this stitch but I put it in this order because it makes more sense to me this way, the double crochet video is below.)

Finally, the double crochet stitch. Beginners can create many items with the help of these 5 tutorials alone, more will be on the way. Happy stitching!

There are a couple of ways to begin a crochet in the round. This short tutorial demonstrates how to get started with a Magic Ring.

Decrease Double Crochet: To decrease in double crochet, work the first double crochet until only 2 loops are on the hook. Yarn over, place hook in next stitch, yarn over, pull through stitch, yarn over, pull through 2 loops (3 loops on hook). Yarn over, pull yarn through all 3 loops for a completed decrease.



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