Why use natural flower essences? Flower essences can help with emotional disturbances and past traumas. These days, the average American, westerner, first world dweller is encouraged (by every other commercial on cable television) to use antidepressants as a "cure" for their woes. Stifling symptoms with a pill and neglecting to deal with the root causes of these emotional issues cures nothing! In addition, the pharmaceuticals being used to treat these ailments have side effects worse than the original illness.
Here is a list of the side effects caused by the average antidepressant prescribed today:
Gastrointestinal disturbances, weight gain, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, serotonin syndrome, antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, suicidal thoughts or actions.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, different antidepressants possess differing side effects. Further explanation can be found at http://www.pdrhealth.com/antidepressants/common-side-effects-of-antidepressants.
Traditionally, flower essence tinctures are made with brandy, I have decided to craft mine using apple cider vinegar. They are very simple to make! Here is how I have crafted mine.
What you need:
a warm sunny day
living water
a bowl
fresh flowers
a milliliter measuring cup
a jar or bottle (I ordered 4 ml amber bottles from amazon)
unbleached filter papers
brandy or apple cider vinegar
What to do:
Pick the flower tops while open and fresh after the sun has warmed them. Place in a bowl of fresh spring water or filtered water (I use my well water which has been filtered through a reverse osmosis filtration system). Allow the flower heads to float in the water, outside in full sunshine for 3 hours. I then strain 60 ml of the flower essence water into the bottle and add 60 ml of apple cider vinegar. I label and date the jar and place it in a cool dark cupboard for future use.
These directions differ slightly from the standard ones normally used simply because I adjusted them to suit the measurements of the jar sizes I have. For more information, please consult the Bach Centre.