Using "alternate realities" as a form of analysis
By Jon Rappoport
When I finished putting together my collection, The Matrix Revealed,
I wrote several prefaces to it. Here is one:
---Start here: if things weren't the way they are, if they were quite
different in specific ways...
What implications would follow?
This can be a very instructive question.
Most people automatically reject alternate realities on the basis of:
"Well, they don't exist, they're fantasies, so who cares?"
That reaction speaks to a paucity of imagination and little else.
It's a profoundly low-IQ response.
I'll flesh out an example of an alternate reality and trace the
implications. You'll see it illuminates "things as they are" in an interesting
way. This example is based on my experience writing, reading, and watching news
for over 30 years. It's also based on numerous off-the-record conversations I've
had with mainstream reporters.
Suppose the NY Times, which is drowning in red ink, which re-finances
its debt to stay afloat, which is losing its reputation as the paper of record
faster than a rowboat full of holes sinks in a lake, changed its whole method of
finding and presenting news.
Suppose the Times latched on to major scandals beyond its corporate
mandate with the extreme ferocity of an attack dog. Suppose, for instance, it
went after the deadly impact of medical drugs on the population. Suppose it
began with the July 26, 2000, review, published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association, "Is US Health Really the Best in the World?", authored by
Dr. Barbara Starfield, of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, in which
Starfield concludes that, every year, FDA-approved medicines kill 106,000
Extrapolating that number out to a decade, the death toll comes to
over a million. A million Americans killed every decade by medical drugs.
Suppose the Times made this its number-one story, not just for a day,
but for a year or more? It lets the hounds loose on the FDA, who approves the
drugs as safe, it sends the hounds to medical journals, which routinely publish
fraudulent studies praising the drugs that kill people. So far we're talking
about nothing less than RICO felonies---continuing organized-criminal acts.
Suppose the Times' hounds probe medical schools, where students are taught to
believe in the killer drugs, where Pharma money funds the teaching
There are so many nooks and crannies where Times' reporters can
extract confessions from medical players: "I knew about the horrific death toll
years ago, but my superiors ordered me to shut up."
"Which superior was that? You may as well tell me. I'm going to find
out anyway..."
The Times' reporters move in on the Dept. of Justice, which has never
lifted a finger to prosecute these ongoing crimes, despite knowing exactly
what's been going on.
Day after day, as new confessions and facts emerge, the Times puts
its searing stories on page one of the paper.
The size of the headlines increases.
The public is wakened. The public, as it turns out, is unable to turn
The Times puts out two print editions a day and the papers fly off
the newsstands.
Under intense pressure, Congressional hearings are laid on. New liars
come to the fore, and under oath some of them crack and reveal how medical
murder has survived in the shadows all these years. It's a grisly
The Times' profits soar. The public is on fire.
And then, just when the whole story seems to have lost a bit of its
force, new revelations explode. Major medical reporters for many press
outlets---including the Times---have been sitting on this story for more than a
decade. They're instrumental in the cover-up. Mass firings occur.
At the same time, it becomes apparent that several blockbuster global
trade deals have been engineered, behind the scenes, to further engorge Pharma
profits. Those deals go down the drain and are canceled.
I could go on. This story would have more legs than a phalanx of
But of course, neither the Times nor any other major press outlet
would ever pick up or cover this story. These media operations are locked in
partnership with Pharma. They're on the same side.
Yet, understanding how the story could play and evolve and explode in
an "alternate universe" gives you clues. For example, the public is asleep
because the news keeps it asleep.
The public could wake up.
And if it did, there would be hell to pay.
In a universe of true news, the entire society would be different
because the people would be different. They wouldn't be acting as if they're
brain-damaged. They wouldn't be acting as if they're goggled-eyed glazed-over
New Agers. They wouldn't be afraid to speak out and speak up. They would be
alert and active and forceful. A great deal of delusional scum would be scraped
off the top of consciousness. Vague generalities would no longer suffice. Empty
words would no longer suffice. Business as usual would no longer
In this highly instructive "alternate universe" metaphor, the public
would learn that nothing is too big to fail---a valuable lesson. Big Pharma,
exposed to its roots as a crime mob, toppled from all its pillars of trust,
would not, by its fate, doom society. Far from it. Society would be
People would look around and wonder how they had slept for so long.
The purveyors of fake news, with their touted experts, would experience a level
of (justifiable) paranoia they'd never imagined. Not just in their coverage of
the medical arena, but in every sphere where lying and cover-up and diversion
have been the order of the day.
The overarching position of "Elite News Anchor" would drown in its
own corrupt juices. The networks would scramble like rats to survive a ratings
crash beyond their wildest nightmares.
And yet, again, society would not be doomed.
Many, many, many more individuals would wake up.
Information, the neutral god of the technocratic secular church,
would suddenly be colored with purpose. It would reveal. It would expose. It
would take on muscle. It would range along dynamic lines of force and unseat
criminals in the highest of places, with no restraint.
The population would develop a new appetite. Instead of alpha-wave
hypnotic trance, people would insist on the demise of false idols. And lawful
application of justice would finally mean something.
All this...this is what the mainstream news could deliver. In an
alternate universe.
In the "real" universe where we live, the task falls to independent
investigators. But the aim is the same: rousing the people from their
When you can envision the implications of a preferable
"other-universe," all the way across the board, you can understand what your
work is here and now.
You can summon the energy to go all-out. You can throw off
insubstantial roles. You can create your own engine, shove it into gear, and
move up to high velocity.
The imagining of alternate universes creates
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